Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Caligiuri blasts Murphy over ad linking him to Giordano

A press release from the Sam Caligiuri campaign:

The Hartford Courant reports today that Democratic incumbent in the Fifth Congressional District race, Chris Murphy, has pulled his disgraceful ad tying Sam Caligiuri to former Waterbury Mayor Phil Giordano off the air.

“Pulling the Giordano ad off the air is proof that it has backfired on Murphy because it is deceitful. As reported at the time, Sam was an opponent of Giordano and not his “number two.” Furthermore, the agreement approved by the Board of Aldermen stripped Giordano of his power and was the only way the city could ensure that Giordano could never come back to office, which the City Charter at the time would have allowed had Giordano been released from prison. That’s why the agreement was hailed as a success by the residents at the time,” said Tiffany Romero Grossman, spokesman for the Caligiuri Campaign.

“The Democrats attacked Sam the same way in 2006 during his first run for the State Senate. That attack was rejected then and it is being rejected now because it distorts what really happened. The real story here is that Murphy crossed the line and attacked Sam personally because he is desperate to avoid talking about his record of voting with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time, including on spending trillions of dollars for disastrous legislation such as Cap and Trade, public option health care, and the failed stimulus package,” said Grossman.

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